Monday Motivation

20130325-095411.jpgI choose to be strong. What do you choose?

I hardly got any sleep last night due to allergies (stuffy nose…couldn’t breathe) but I still got up at 4:30am this morning to teach my spin class.

Do I regret it? Absolutely not.

I could have used my allergies as an excuse, I could have used my little sleep as an excuse, I could have used my pregnancy as an excuse…but instead of struggling like I thought for a second or 2,  I chose to be STRONG. Push your struggles aside (no matter how big or small they may be) and choose to be STRONG. You will not regret it.

Happy Monday, friends! =)

xoxo danyale

Rainy Day Fitness Motivation

It’s the first rainy day of Fall and I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t want to leave the house.” I know the excuses are many and that exercising on rainy days is one of the toughest things to do sometimes, as the rain can easily turn off any inspiration to work out. However, there are many things you can do (besides baking some fall goodies) on rainy days to make up for the missed exercise time outside & to get rid of those “rainy day blues.”

  • First of all, if you have a gym membership you should consider dragging your butt straight there. Join a Group class to give you that extra motivation and push to get your exercise in! It’s only 1 hour! Come on people! =)
  • Still not going to leave the house? Come on! Okay, well you have several choices then. 1. Find my at home workout circuits on this website and do them. 2. Use exercise videos: Yoga, Pilates, P90x, Insanity…I don’t care what video you use…just don’t cheat! Keep the intensity up. Just because you are working out at home doesn’t mean you should slack off on your workout.
  • Do you have dumbbells or weights? Start lifting them! No weights? No problem! Start busting out some push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, planks & other body weight exercises. NO EXCUSES!
  • If you don’t feel like completing traditional exercise, do chores that require constant movement around your house.
  • Stretch! Stretching is the best thing you can do for your body, as you can extend your flexibility for the days you can get back outside.

Monday Motivation- Achieving

“Achievement is built on challenge. Achievement is built on setbacks and frustrations. Achievement is built when conditions are difficult, and when there’s no guarantee of success. And achievement is indeed built, for it is not inevitable. Achievement happens because people choose to make it happen. And as you build it, achievement builds you.”
-Ralph Marston

Monday Motivation- What We Think We Become

Hi everyone! I hope your Monday’s going well.  Anyway, you know those days when you promise yourself that you are going to have a kick-ass workout but end up neglecting to do so all together? Well, I had one of those days last week which is uncommon. I just found that I had a complete lack of motivation.

Our lack of motivation comes from our own thoughts more than anything else. We tend to come up with reasons in our own mind for why it is okay to keep putting off getting in shape for at least another day.

If you find yourself lacking motivation quit frequently then I suggest taking action. Rethink fitness and make sure that your thoughts only consist of what you want to have happen!  This is going to take some time and effort to make it a habit, but by doing this, it will change everything. Having control of your thoughts will become natural in only a matter of time, thus leaving you more motivated than ever!

Thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which lead to results!

Kick Start Your Fitness Motivation Today!

“What we think, we become.” Buddha

Monday Motivation-Give Your Dreams all You’ve Got

“Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out if they’ve got a second. Give your dreams all you’ve got and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.” -William James, 1842-1910, Philosopher and Author

Monday Motivation- Feel Better

The higher your energy level, the more efficient your body. The more efficient your body, the better you feel and the more you will use your talent to produce outstanding results. – Anthony Robbins

Motivation- Forget Failure

“Forget mistakes. Forget failure. Forget everything except what you’re going to do now and do it. Today is your lucky day.” ~ Will Durant ~