Nutrition Tips: Eat Healthy!

When it comes to nutrition, it’s not as complicated as some may think. Here’s a tip: Don’t diet!! Make a lifestyle change. Diets are NOT the solution. They are typically bordering on some sort of radical macro-nutritional deficiencies. Instead, make smart choices and eat HEALTHY.20130224-172652.jpg

What is eating HEALTHY?

  • Shop the perimeter of your grocery stores. You’ll find that most of the non-processed and natural foods are usually right there.
  • STOP eating processed foods. Remember this quote: “You are what you eat- so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or FAKE!” Check the ingredients list. If there are more commas and words you don’t know the meaning of then it’s most likely not the best choice nutritionally.
  • Just because something is cherry or orange flavored, doesn’t mean it’s made with real fruit!
  • Frozen diet food in a box is a no-no! You can’t microwave yourself skinny! Again, it’s about that lifestyle change. Take the word “diet” out of your vocabulary. You need to cook with REAL food. Short on time? Then set aside 1 day a week to prepare healthy meals! You’ll save time, money & your health.
  • Eat lean proteins, complex carbs, and good fats. The amount of quality protein in your diet is the single most important calorie that influences your metabolic rate, favorably influencing weight loss. Protein also helps you sustain muscle during weight loss, improve muscle fitness, immunity, and antioxidant function– all of which contribute toward optimal weight management efforts over time. Are you getting enough? Good fats round out your daily calories. Find out what your BMR is, then eat a few hundred calories below that each day. Exercise and that will add to your deficit!
  • Water is essential to good health. Men need to be drinking around 13 cups (3 liters) a day, and women 9 cups (2.2 liters).
  • Remember deep down inside it’s all about self-control and discipline. You know if the choices you make is a good one or bad. Don’t rationalize that “I only had one chocolate chip cookie” when you usually have 2 or 3. You are only lying to yourself. Use common sense, people!
