Nutrition Tips: Eat Healthy!

When it comes to nutrition, it’s not as complicated as some may think. Here’s a tip: Don’t diet!! Make a lifestyle change. Diets are NOT the solution. They are typically bordering on some sort of radical macro-nutritional deficiencies. Instead, make smart choices and eat HEALTHY.20130224-172652.jpg

What is eating HEALTHY?

  • Shop the perimeter of your grocery stores. You’ll find that most of the non-processed and natural foods are usually right there.
  • STOP eating processed foods. Remember this quote: “You are what you eat- so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or FAKE!” Check the ingredients list. If there are more commas and words you don’t know the meaning of then it’s most likely not the best choice nutritionally.
  • Just because something is cherry or orange flavored, doesn’t mean it’s made with real fruit!
  • Frozen diet food in a box is a no-no! You can’t microwave yourself skinny! Again, it’s about that lifestyle change. Take the word “diet” out of your vocabulary. You need to cook with REAL food. Short on time? Then set aside 1 day a week to prepare healthy meals! You’ll save time, money & your health.
  • Eat lean proteins, complex carbs, and good fats. The amount of quality protein in your diet is the single most important calorie that influences your metabolic rate, favorably influencing weight loss. Protein also helps you sustain muscle during weight loss, improve muscle fitness, immunity, and antioxidant function– all of which contribute toward optimal weight management efforts over time. Are you getting enough? Good fats round out your daily calories. Find out what your BMR is, then eat a few hundred calories below that each day. Exercise and that will add to your deficit!
  • Water is essential to good health. Men need to be drinking around 13 cups (3 liters) a day, and women 9 cups (2.2 liters).
  • Remember deep down inside it’s all about self-control and discipline. You know if the choices you make is a good one or bad. Don’t rationalize that “I only had one chocolate chip cookie” when you usually have 2 or 3. You are only lying to yourself. Use common sense, people!


Tips On Achieving Your New Year Resolution

A resolution without action is like a race without a course-pointless.

What are your goals for 2013? Is it finally time to lose the last 10lbs? Are you ready to earn a faster PR (like me)? Determined to avoid injury? No matter what you resolve to do this year, the key is to map out a plan and stick to it. Here are some great tips on achieving those goals & squashing the excuses for good.

Resolution: Getting rid of the “gut”- You’re probably regretting those extra, empty calories you had during the holidays, aren’t you? Help get rid of that spare tire with interval training, or high-intensity cardio mixed with low-intensity cardio. “Studies have consistently shown that interval training is superior for fat burning, as opposed to steady-state cardio,” says Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, author of Women’s Home Workout Bible. 3-5, 30 -60 minute sessions a week is generally needed to see excellent results.

Resolution: Eat Better- If you don’t make time for breakfast, you’ll pay for it by dinner. If you skip breakfast, by the end of the day you won’t want carrots, you’ll want carrot cake. Like I’ve said before, Always start your day off with a hearty, healthy breakfast and a hearty lunch. This will give you the energy you need to kick-start your day. You will also be less hungry at nighttime and can make better choices. You want to stop eating a few hours before your bed time.

Resolution: Toughen Up- We all go into the New Year swearing we’re going to get up earlier for our workouts, push ourselves harder during training sessions or workouts and refuse to slow down during a race. But the truth is these require us to strengthen an often neglected body part- our minds. You should focus on the good things that will happen if you stick with your goals. Understand what motivates you. Push yourself toward success and opportunity as opposed to the avoidance of failure. Just do it.

Resolution: Staying Injury Free- Nothing ruins a good race season like an injury does…believe me, I know firsthand. To avoid one, don’t be a sporadic runner. “There is no better predictor for injury than the inconsistent athlete,” says Dr. Philip Spencer, a chiropractor with a focus on sports medicine. Any extended time away from a discipline requires a period of easy rebuilding to re-acclimate the tissues to the stresses unique to the sport. Pay attention to your body’s warning signals and focus on core strength. Never forget to stretch.

Get started already! No more procrastinating. “The most important and hardest part of accomplishing any task is to be present; you can’t finish what you don’t start.”-Orlando James, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Here’s to a healthy & happy new year, everyone!

Lentil & Veggie Soup

I have a super crazy schedule so I often turn to my crock-pot for homemade, nutritious meals. This is a very easy, low-fat, high protein recipe that you can throw together in your crock-pot! Did I mention that it is also vegetarian friendly? Plus, there’s nothing like coming home to an amazing dinner after a long day…especially when it’s a cold, dreary day.

Note- Just like with beans, you are going to need to soak the lentils over night.


  • 1 lb or 2 cups lentils, picked over and rinsed
  • 2 large yellow onions, minced or diced
  • 5 cloves garlic, quartered
  • 3-4 medium carrots, diced
  • 1 tsp dried thyme
  • 1/3-1/2 cup of green beans, cut in half (optional)
  • 3 small red potatoes, diced (optional)
  • 2 celery stalks, chopped
  • 2 1/2 Tbs tomato paste
  • 1 large bay leave
  • 2 Tbs sea salt
  • 2 tsp pepper
  • 5 cups vegetable broth
  • 1 cup of water
  • 3 Tbs red wine vinegar or balsamic vinegar
  • Top soup with 1 bunch of washed, chopped kale or spinach (OPTIONAL)

Put all the ingredients except for vinegar into your crock pot. Cook on low for 6-7 hours. Add vinegar and cook another 1-2 hours.

Note #2-You can enrich this already delicious soup by making a couple of variations:

  • Add 1/2 lb of peppered turkey bacon, or lean ham. I have also added quinoa, diced tomatoes and/or 1 small can of diced green chilis.

2 Egg Turkey Bacon & Spinach Omelet


You’ll Need:

  • 2 organic eggs
  • 1 tablespoon coconut milk/almond milk or water
  • 1/8 teaspoon sea salt
  • dash ground pepper
  • 2 teaspoons organic butter, grassfed butter, coconut oil or Smart Balance Omega butter
  • 2 strips of turkey bacon or 1 strip of all natural uncured bacon
  • 1/2 cup chopped fresh baby spinach
  • 1/4-1/2 avocado
  • Diced tomatoes
  • Sriracha chili sauce (optional) I like to add a little spicyness to everything 😉
  1. Crack the organic eggs into a mixing bowl and beat them until they turn an even pale yellow color.
  2. Heat a nonstick pan over medium-low heat. Add the organic butter and let it melt.
  3. Add the milk or water to the eggs and season to taste with salt and pepper. Grab your whisk or electric beater and whisk like crazy. Whatever device you use, you’re trying to beat as much air as possible into the eggs.
  4. When the butter in the pan is hot enough to make a drop of water hiss, pour in the eggs. Don’t stir! Let the eggs cook for up to a minute or until the bottom starts to set.
  5. With a rubber spatula, gently push one edge of the egg into the center of the pan, while tilting the pan to allow the still liquid egg to flow in underneath. Repeat with the other edges, until there’s no liquid left.
  6. If your egg pancake sticks at all, loosen it with your spatula.
  7. Now gently flip the egg pancake over, using your spatula to ease it over if necessary. Cook for another few seconds, or until there is no uncooked egg left.
  8. If you’re adding any other ingredients, now’s the time to do it. I crumbled 1 strip of cooked turkey bacon and diced tomato across the center of the egg in a straight line.
  9. With your spatula, lift one edge of the egg and fold it across and over, so that the edges line up. Cook for another minute or so, but don’t overcook or allow the egg to turn brown. If necessary, you can flip the entire omelet over to cook the top for 30 seconds or so. Just don’t let it get brown.
  10. Gently transfer the finished omelet to a plate. Garnish with chopped fresh veggies and herbs and enjoy!

* There’s no limit to the number of healthy fillings you can use with this basic omelet recipe.

Some suggestions include:

  • Fresh baby spinach
  • Grated low fat, all natural cheese or feta
  • Sautéed mushrooms
  • Diced and sautéed peppers and onion
  • Broccoli
  • Asparagus
  • Left over veggies
  • Salsa
  • Guacamole (homemade without mayo, of course!)

Quick & Easy Healthy Snack Ideas

Clean eating means you should be eating 5-6 small, balanced meals a day. Eating every 2-3 hours helps keep your blood sugar levels from going on a roller coaster ride, keeps you feeling satisfied and full, and provides a steady stream of vital nutrients to your body. I know it seems like a lot of work and planning…but once you get in the groove and start feeling and seeing the benefits, you won’t want it any other way.

I don’t know about you, but I get tired of the usual fruit or veggie as a snack. Sometimes you just want something more.

Here are a few of my favorite clean, quick and easy on the go snacks:

  • 1 hand full of almond, cashews, walnuts, pecans or pistachios and blueberries or grapes.
  • Whole wheat toast (I use Ezekial sprouted wheat…make sure your whole wheat is 100% or use paleo friendly gluten free bread) topped with 1tbs of PB2 or another all natural nut butter with low sugar and calories)
  • Cottage cheese with fresh berries or spice it up with jalapeños and olives and a sprinkle of no salt added Ms. Dash seasoning of your choice.
  • Hard boiled egg whites and old fashioned oats.
  • 1 Hard boiled egg including yolk.
  • 1 Egg muffin (mini crust-less quiche) Here’s My Recipe.
  • Apple slices with all natural peanut or almond butter.
  • Low-fat Greek yogurt (watch the sugar).
  • All natural/organic/high protein bar.
  • A cup of miso soup.
  • You can never go wrong with a Protein Shake or fruit (& veggie) smoothie.
  • Natural turkey jerky with a side of fruit.
  • Tuna or all natural turkey on whole wheat or paleo friendly gluten free crackers.
  • PB2 peanut butter or almond butter spread onto whole wheat crackers with sliced banana.
  • Kale chips baked in the oven topped with your fav. Salt free seasoning or nutritional yeast.
  • Hummus and baby carrots, jicama or whole wheat pita chips.
  • Pretzel thins with fresh guacamole (no mayo or sourcream) or avocado slices.
  • Edamame.
  • Low sodium pickles.
  • Tomato, cucumber and feta salad drizzled with balsamic vinigarette.
  • Celery sticks topped with hummus and olives.
  • Lara Bar, Chia Bar, Protein Power Crunch Bar.
  • Smart Balance, light butter popcorn. (portion control).
  • “Food Should Taste Good” Multi-grain tortilla chips with fresh salsa.

The main thing you want to remember besides feeding your body frequently, is to combine a quality protein with a complex carbohydrate at each meal.

Get creative! I would love to hear about your favorite clean snacks!

Fit-a-holic’s September Specials!!

  • Register for September’s Boot camp classes by Monday, September 3rd and receive HALF OFF! Only $60 for two classes a week for the whole month of September. Classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday at 6pm @ Miller Park in Fair Oaks. Please let me know if you’d be interested in an early bird class. I’m looking at Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30 or 6am I just need enough people!
  • We are continuing our drop-in special as well! Drop in to one of my boot camp classes for only $10!
  • One-on-one Personal Training Special: $50 off of my 10 session package! That makes it a $450 investment towards your health and well-being!


Happiness & Activity

“Happiness consists in activity. It is a running stream, not a stagnant pool.” -John Mason Good

Tried & True Fat Loss Formula

1. Hit the weights (at least) 3 times a week!

2. Eat a mini meal every 3 hours- restrict processed foods. I saw a comment the other day on a clean eating website that upset me. Someone proclaimed that a calorie is a calorie- they are all the same no matter what you are eating and that we should just enjoy eating anything, processed or not. This statement IS NOT TRUE!! There is a such thing as empty calories…these can obviously be found in processed products, sugary foods and so on! Those are the calories you want to eliminate from your diet. Don’t make your belly a trash can!

3. On non-weight days, do high intensity interval cardio training. If you get bored doing cardio on your own check out an indoor cycle/spin class!