November Updates

Good morning everyone. I hope you are having a fantastically fit, fall day! It’s definitely a beautiful one over here in Fair Oaks, CA!

Anyway, I wanted to apologize for being behind on my updates and posts. My HP Mini, which is my main business and blog computer, crashed and burned on me over the weekend but I’m back and ready to update!


November Bootcamp Updates:

  • No more Tuesday night classes! I moved it to Saturday mornings at 8:30am thanks to the time change. I will still, however, have Thursday night classes. The time for Thursday class is now 5:45pm which is still subject to change. This week, on Thursday the 8th, we will try out the 5:45 time although it may be a bit dark. If we find that it’s simply too dark then class time may be changed to 5pm the following week. If you have any feedback or requests please let me know!
  • There will be NO class on Thursday the 22nd (Thanksgiving) BUT I will be holding a special day before Thanksgiving Bootcamp on Wednesday the 21st. The time is TBD but I am wanting to have a longer class, perhaps?
  • Bootcampers: If you own a mat, please bring it from now on!
  • Cost for November Bootcamp is only $50 this month or $10 to drop in.
  • Classes are RAIN or SHINE unless everyone cancels. Rainy day bootcamps will be held at the Old Fair Oaks Park as there is a covered area that we can utilize.
  • December bootcamp will start on Saturday, December 1st at 8:30am. The fee will be back to $60 for the whole month or $10 to drop in. Recommend a friend to December bootcamp and get $5 off!
  • January Bootcamp is TBD. As of right now I am looking to become an Independent Contractor for the Fair Oaks district. This means that my bootcamp classes will be added to the Fair Oaks Activity Guide, The Roost! I will keep you updated on class days and times!


Personal Training

  • I have a few morning spots available throughout the week and 4pm available on Mon & Wednedays (that’s a prime spot right there). Bootcamp is included with any personal training package this month! For prices, check out Services & Personal Training. =)

Indoor Cycle Class @ 24 Hour Fitness

  • Due to budget cuts I am now teaching cycle only twice a week. Tuesdays @ 4:30pm at the Gold River location and Wednesdays at 5:30am at the Folsom location! Don’t miss out this fall and winter on your rides!

As always, THANK YOU everyone for your continued support. I am so blessed to be able to share my love and passion with each and every one of you!

Danyale Cox, CPT, CES, Fitaholic Training

Egg Muffins

These addictive little crustless quiche have made their way to the top of my favorite breakfast & snack items. I started making these a little over a year ago after one of my Paleo-loving friends posted her recipe. Over time I have “eggspirmented” with these scrumptious little muffins and have come up with so many different variations being that eggs are simply so versatile.


I highly suggest making a big batch and freezing them for future quick snacks an easy go-to breakfasts. You can pop one in the microwave for about 90 seconds and enjoy!


  • 10-12 Omega-3 eggs or half whole eggs and half egg whites
  • 3 hand fulls of fresh spinach (chopped if you prefer)
  • 3 Cloves Garlic, Minced
  • 1-2 Tb Italian Spice Blend (or your own blend of oregano, basil, etc.)
  • 1 tsp Garlic Powder
  • 1 tsp sea salt and black pepper
  • Red Pepper Flakes to taste (if you like to spice things up a bit)
  • 1 green onion chopped

Optional Add-ins:

  • Crumbled Turkey Bacon or nitrate free all-natural bacon (already cooked)
  • Shredded Chicken
  • Sliced or Diced Ham
  • Diced Tomatoes
  • Bell Pepper
  • Shredded Zucchini
  • Shredded Carrots
  • Sliced Mushrooms
  • Chopped Broccoli
  • Broccoli Slaw
  • Your favorite veggies
  • Parmesan, Feta or Mozzarella Cheese (reduced fat)

Note– Remember, creativity never hurts. I also like to serve mine with avocado and fresh salsa…yummmy!

Recently I started using turkey bacon strips or sliced all natural turkey as the base “cup” for my muffins as you’ll notice in my photo. You can do this, also. You may use the recipe above and just sub the crumbled bacon for the bacon strips OR you can first put the turkey bacon or turkey in the muffin pan and crack and egg in each cup. Veggies optional!


  • Whisk all your eggs in a big bowl and pre-heat oven to 350.
  • Spray muffin pan with non-stick cooking spray.
  • Dump chopped spinach in a bowl and stir in green onion, minced garlic & spices/seasonings to taste then add veggies to muffin pan holes and pack down.
  • Add Beaten Eggs on top of veggies and pack down a bit.
  • Bake in the oven at 350 for about 30 minutes. Do the fork test to make sure muffins are cooked through.
  • Pull out of oven and allow muffins to “cool” for a few minutes.
  • Enjoy!
  • Makes 18-20 muffins! Cut recipe in half for smaller serving.

These are each around 6-13 grams of protein (depending on add-ins), around 65 calories each 2 grams of fat (0.5 being saturated) with about 4 grams of carbs and 0 sugar!

Note-For a smaller batch I usually add an egg or half an egg per muffin hole. Keep in mind you do want the egg mixture to cover the veggies completely.

Rainy Day Fitness Motivation

It’s the first rainy day of Fall and I know what you’re thinking, “I don’t want to leave the house.” I know the excuses are many and that exercising on rainy days is one of the toughest things to do sometimes, as the rain can easily turn off any inspiration to work out. However, there are many things you can do (besides baking some fall goodies) on rainy days to make up for the missed exercise time outside & to get rid of those “rainy day blues.”

  • First of all, if you have a gym membership you should consider dragging your butt straight there. Join a Group class to give you that extra motivation and push to get your exercise in! It’s only 1 hour! Come on people! =)
  • Still not going to leave the house? Come on! Okay, well you have several choices then. 1. Find my at home workout circuits on this website and do them. 2. Use exercise videos: Yoga, Pilates, P90x, Insanity…I don’t care what video you use…just don’t cheat! Keep the intensity up. Just because you are working out at home doesn’t mean you should slack off on your workout.
  • Do you have dumbbells or weights? Start lifting them! No weights? No problem! Start busting out some push-ups, squats, lunges, crunches, planks & other body weight exercises. NO EXCUSES!
  • If you don’t feel like completing traditional exercise, do chores that require constant movement around your house.
  • Stretch! Stretching is the best thing you can do for your body, as you can extend your flexibility for the days you can get back outside.

Sexy Saturdays- Toned Legs

So you want sexy, sculpted thighs? Strength training can help you transform your body into a lean, fat-burning machine by increasing sexy muscle tone and reducing fat. When you have more muscle than fat, your body burns more calories which inturn makes you burn more fat helping you uncover your sleek, firm muscle.

There are many, many ways to work your legs but not all of them can be done at home. I decided to put together a general at home leg circuit just for you so now you have NO EXCUSES! Make sure to challenge yourself. If you are not a beginner than add some weight to all of these exercises and minimize your rest time. MAKE EVERY REP COUNT!


Sexy, Toned Legs Circuit– Do each exercise for 45 seconds before moving on to the next exercise. Rest 15-20 seconds after each exercise. Repeat circuit 3-4 times.

  1. Goblet Squats– Grab something heavy (10-30lbs) & hold it at your chest. Keep legs a little wider than shoulder width apart and gradually push your hips back sitting into an “invisible chair.” Make sure your knees do not pass your toes. Also make sure to keep your back straight, chest out and abs tight throughout the move. Push off with your heels at the bottom of the move, squeezing your glutes and thighs until you are back in the starting position.
  2. Reverse Lunge- Start with legs hip width then step back into a lunge position with your right leg, lowering your knee close to the ground. Make sure you are standing tall, squeezing the buttocks of your back leg as you find a balance. Bring right leg back in and repeat with left leg. Continue to alternate legs. Hold weights at your side to add more intensity and resistance.
  3. Leg Lifts- Lie supine on the floor with your arms at your sides. Start with both legs in the air, next to each other. Keep knees slightly bent as you slowly lower your legs to the ground…try not to touch the ground if you can help it. Keep your lower back planted to the ground. Continue to slowly lower your legs and quickly lifting. You should feel your core and quads working.
  4. Walking Lunge- Starting with legs hip width and hands on your hips, step out into a lunge position with your right leg quickly bringing your left leg in next to your right leg. Continue to walk forward into a lunge with your left leg. Keep going. Please make sure to watch your form and do not let your knee go past your toes. Try to keep your knee in line with your ankle at all times ans stay tall activating your core and glutes. Hold weights at your side to add more intensity and resistance.
  5. Sumo Squat to Calf Raise- Start with your legs slightly wider than shoulder width, but with your toes pointed out this time. Squat down, pushing your hips back into the “invisible chair”. Keep your weight on your heels. As you come back up out of the squat, come onto your tippy toes, flexing your calves.
  6. Side Lunge to Balance- Start with both legs together. Step out laterally with your right leg, keeping your toes pointed straight ahead. Gradually push your hips back and to the right making sure your right knee is in line with your ankle. Push with the ball of your right foot and come to a balance keeping your right leg at a 90 degree angle. Repeat on same side for the full 45 seconds.
  7. Wall Sits- Find a wall. Keeping your back flat against the wall, slowly lower yourself into a seated squat position, legs at 90 degrees. try to hold that position the full 45 seconds. If not rest when you need to and get right back into it.
  8. Split Squat- Start in a lunge position. Slowly drive your back knee toward the floor while staying tall, keeping your balance, & squeezing the buttock of your back leg. Switch legs after 45 seconds. To add more intensity, place back  ball of foot on something elevated such as a bench, chair, or bosu ball. Add weight at your sides for the most progressed version.
  9. Jumping Squats

Monday Motivation- Achieving

“Achievement is built on challenge. Achievement is built on setbacks and frustrations. Achievement is built when conditions are difficult, and when there’s no guarantee of success. And achievement is indeed built, for it is not inevitable. Achievement happens because people choose to make it happen. And as you build it, achievement builds you.”
-Ralph Marston