Fit Pregnancy Update: 27 Weeks

So much has happened since my last update and post! I now finally have some time to sit back, relax and get caught up on my blog! Yay! =)
How Far Along: 27 Weeks (tomorrow)
This is 24 weeks, 25 weeks & 26 weeks!
Size of baby: He’s about the size of a cucumber, measuring 15 inches and weighing in at about 2.2lbs!
Total Weight Gain: Around 13lbs

What I miss: At this point, I’m missing my old home and teaching my cycle classes 4 times a week although I do LOVE my new home. It’s just been so hard trying to find a job as a group fitness instructor in a new town, pregnant. I miss my workout partner aka my husband (he’s always working…but that’s ok!) I miss my waist/abs. I miss how toned I used to be. I miss running races. I miss being able to do what I want when I want to like hike Half Dome or run Bay to Breakers. I miss trying on clothes and feeling cute. I miss having the occasional cocktail. I miss having an abundance of energy. However, I know it’s all worth it! Just 3 more months!! =)



Sleep: Sleeping well for the most part.

Symptoms: No energy at all & bloody, stuffy nose almost everyday.

Cravings: My cravings change every couple of months. I started out craving pineapple and pickles. Then it was gummy/fruity candy & now it’s sweet breads/carbs like pancakes and french toast (I make whole wheat, organic or all natural, protein-packed versions of course). I’ve craved fruit, enchiladas, rice, beans and salsa the whole time though.


Movement: He’s a little energizer bunny like his mommy (well, like I was pre-pregnancy). I feel him moving all of the time!

Maternity Clothes: I only own 3 maternity items: a shirt, a dress and a pair of shorts. Everything else is normal clothing, just a little roomier, drawstring, stretchy or flowey!

Have you had your babyshower?: Not yet! June 23rd! Although my bootcampers/clients threw me a little baby shower/going away party the weekend before AJ & I moved away.


Best Moments this week: Well last week my husband and I celebrated our 1 year Anniversary of being married. He took me to my favorite place, Yosemite. We went on a 4 mile hike up the Mist Trail to Vernal Falls and back. This is a nice, scenic hike that I’ve done countless times throughout my life. I also really enjoyed going on a nice, long bike ride with my sister-in-law to explore the river and park next to where I live.




What I’m looking forward to: Hopefully getting a gym membership soon so I can get back to burning some calories and feeling good about myself. I’m also looking forward to the baby shower and putting Wyatt’s room together!


Milestones: My hubby and I put the crib together over the weekend! It only took about 3 hours, but I love it! We are also finally settled into our new home in Fresno and I’m starting to Personal Train again including getting my bootcamps up and running around where I now reside. Thank goodness!!!!



Monday Motivation

It’s another new day and another new month. If you haven’t started on working towards your fitness goals then start now. What’s stopping you? If you’re already on that journey then keep that ball rolling. You will never regret reaching your goal. You will only regret not starting or giving up and not trying harder. Now get up and go get sore!


My Workouts: Crossfit WOD 13.1

20130312-094501.jpgLast week my husband and I did the highly talked about 2013 Crossfit opener WOD (workout of the day), “13.1”. No… it has nothing to do with a half marathon, however, we are running one this weekend! Anyway, athletes perform the workout and then submit their scores.

Here’s the workout:

Complete as many reps as possible in 17 minutes (consecutive circuit):

  • 40 Burpees
  • 30 Snatches (using a barbell) Women: 35lbs Men: 45lbs
  • 30 Burpees
  • 30 Snatches Women: 55lbs Men: 75lbs
  • 20 Burpees
  • 30 Snatches Women: 75lbs Men: 100lbs
  • 10 burpees
  • Snatches, as many reps as possible. Women: 90lbs Men: 120lbs

20130312-094517.jpgNow some of you may be thinking, “wait, aren’t you pregnant?” Yes, I am pregnant but I am still able and willing to do this type of workout. At 15 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I scaled down my weight. I used a 35lb and 45lb barbell the entire time. I also listened to my body and made sure that I didn’t overheat or become “breathless”. If you are pregnant and have already participated in crossfit workouts prior to being prego and want to do this workout, just be careful. There are always modifications you can make, for instance: Using dumbbells or a bench for your burpees so you have more room for the belly. Also keeping your legs wider as you go down into the burpee may be a more comfortable choice as well. For your snatches, if you are far a long into your pregnancy, start below your knees instead of the floor.

Check out for more info!

If You are a man or woman who is obviously not pregnant and want to do this workout just know that you do not have to do the recommended weight as stated above. You know what you are capable of, so you should also be scaling your weight. It’s all about having fun while working out, not injuring yourself trying to do things you know you can’t. Having proper form and listening to your body will help you progress.

For more info. about this workout, like technique and form, check out the Crossfit Games website.

Protein Packed Cobb Salad

Th20130302-173933.jpge next time you’re craving a cobb salad, make it at home. I gave the traditional cobb a healthy face lift. All you have to do is pack it with organic veggies and lean proteins and you’ve got yourself a delicious, powerhouse lunch or dinner. By the way, this salad is hubby approved!

Ingredients: (Makes 2 big salads)

  • Either 2 fresh or frozen organic chicken breasts or 2-4 organic chicken tenders.
  • 2-3 slices of turkey bacon or nitrate-free natural bacon, cooked and then diced. 
  • 2 hard-boiled organic eggs.
  • 1 medium tomato, sliced.
  • 1/2-1 full avocado.
  • Thinly sliced green onion, as much as you’d like.
  • A bag of mixed greens
  • Thinly sliced carrots. (optional)
  • Black or green olives (optional)
  • You’re favorite lite dressing, like Walden Farms or Trader Joe’s balsamic vinaigrette. Try to stay clear of the white, creamy dressings.


  1. Lightly brush chicken with olive oil. Season your chicken with your favorite salt-free seasoning. I simply use a squeeze of fresh lemon, a sprinkle of garlic powder, sea salt and black pepper. Check out McCormicks Perfect Pinch salt-free seasonings, they have a huge variety of flavors.
  2. Grill or bake your chicken. I usually use my George Foreman grill and let the chicken cook for 10-13 minutes depending on how much chicken I’m making.
  3. Place mixed greens in a salad bowl and top with all of your favorite healthy ingredients from above.
  4. Enjoy!



Fit-a-holic Boot Camp is back!

20130226-101610.jpgFIT-A-HOLIC BOOT CAMP is back! Challenge yourself and others as you learn to endure a total-body workout that will push you to your limits! Have fun outdoors while utilizing a combination of strength training, agility drills, core stabilizing workouts, high intensity circuits and unique approaches to cardio. ALL fitness levels are welcome! Classes will be held every Thursday evening at either 5:15, 5:30 or 6pm. I need feedback as to what time will work best for you all. Sunday classes will be held at 9:30am. Location will be at Miller Park in Fair Oaks. First class starts this Sunday!! Make sure to print & sign the “Health & Fitness Waiver” which you can find under “Services”. Let me know someway, somehow if you are interested so I know how many people to expect beforehand! Hope to see you all there!! For more info. & prices, go to “Services” & “Outdoor Boot Camp”. You can also find Fitaholic Training on Facebook!



Nutrition Tips: Eat Healthy!

When it comes to nutrition, it’s not as complicated as some may think. Here’s a tip: Don’t diet!! Make a lifestyle change. Diets are NOT the solution. They are typically bordering on some sort of radical macro-nutritional deficiencies. Instead, make smart choices and eat HEALTHY.20130224-172652.jpg

What is eating HEALTHY?

  • Shop the perimeter of your grocery stores. You’ll find that most of the non-processed and natural foods are usually right there.
  • STOP eating processed foods. Remember this quote: “You are what you eat- so don’t be fast, cheap, easy or FAKE!” Check the ingredients list. If there are more commas and words you don’t know the meaning of then it’s most likely not the best choice nutritionally.
  • Just because something is cherry or orange flavored, doesn’t mean it’s made with real fruit!
  • Frozen diet food in a box is a no-no! You can’t microwave yourself skinny! Again, it’s about that lifestyle change. Take the word “diet” out of your vocabulary. You need to cook with REAL food. Short on time? Then set aside 1 day a week to prepare healthy meals! You’ll save time, money & your health.
  • Eat lean proteins, complex carbs, and good fats. The amount of quality protein in your diet is the single most important calorie that influences your metabolic rate, favorably influencing weight loss. Protein also helps you sustain muscle during weight loss, improve muscle fitness, immunity, and antioxidant function– all of which contribute toward optimal weight management efforts over time. Are you getting enough? Good fats round out your daily calories. Find out what your BMR is, then eat a few hundred calories below that each day. Exercise and that will add to your deficit!
  • Water is essential to good health. Men need to be drinking around 13 cups (3 liters) a day, and women 9 cups (2.2 liters).
  • Remember deep down inside it’s all about self-control and discipline. You know if the choices you make is a good one or bad. Don’t rationalize that “I only had one chocolate chip cookie” when you usually have 2 or 3. You are only lying to yourself. Use common sense, people!


Surprise Announcement!

Baby AnnouncementYep, that’s right folks, my husband and I are expecting our first-born and we couldn’t be more excited for this new addition to our family! =)

I am going to start documenting my “fit pregnancy” journey so I can help inspire other mothers-to-be. I will be adding a “Fit-Pregnancy” category very soon that will have some of my workouts and experiences as I progress through this pregnancy. Yep, I’ll be writing all about the good, the bad and the ugly…so stay tuned ladies (& maybe some gentlemen?)


Runners on the Storm


The CIM race weekend had finally come but with a surprise. We were going to be running the race in hurricane like conditions. No big deal right? WRONG! All of a sudden I started to feel a little more apprehensive, second guessing wether or not I should battle the already hard 26.2 miles in the rain & wind. Having my husband and father-in-law also running the race kept my mind strong. There was no way I was going to drop-out if they weren’t. On Saturday, after the CIM Expo, My husband and I took our family (who came up for the race) to The Spaghetti Factory for some final carb. loading as it is our tradition before every long race. After dinner we all headed back to my place and prepared for the next morning: marathon day.

The alarm went off at 4:45am and I could already hear the rain. I checked the weather report and saw that it was going to be 100% chance of rain and heavy winds the whole time that I would be running. I got out of bed and made myself a bagel with cream cheese, my favorite indulgence. I also had a half of a banana to get that potassium flowing. Still apprehensive and waiting if the other two runners would say something about dropping out…I got ready…silently. Little did I know my husband was thinking the same thing. Right before we left the 3 of us put on our last piece of runner apparel, ponchos, and left for what in my mind was going to be a wet hell.


We got dropped off by my mother-in-law & sister-in-law at around 6:10am. From there we had to wait in line in the rain for a bus that would take us to the starting line. The 3 of us just stood there with a glass half empty kind of feeling as we waited to board the bus. We got on and I felt like I had just boarded the bus of doom that was taking us straight to hell. It was dark, wet & cramped. The windows were fogged up & I was sitting by a stranger. Nothing was comfortable about this ride. I sat there thinking that these busses are full of crazy people, and I’m one of them! I started to pray to Jesus Christ & invited him to run with me. Afterall, you can do all things through Christ who strengthens you. Finally, we made it to the start and once again had to wait. We waited in the rain at a gas station in what I guess you could consider a giant group hug or huddle…except no one was hugging because it was too cold to keep your arms out of your jacket or poncho. It was now 10 minutes till’ the start of the race so we decided to go ahead and leave the gas station and get in line to swim…I mean run.

The final countdown was over and we began running. All you could hear were ponchos flowing in the wind and rain drops hitting the ground. After a couple of miles a miracle happened… I started to enjoy the amazing display of mother nature and this crazy experience. My body was feeling good and I had my husband right by my side. I thought to myself, okay…this is going to be alright…I can do this. The previous year both my husband and I ran this exact race as our first marathon. Both of us had been injured during our training and injured going into the race so I had an extremely painful and tough experience…even almost dropping out…but we pushed through and finished. After that race we decided we HAD to run it again this year to redeem ourselves and get better times because we knew we could if our body would allow! So this was our chance to do it even if we had to go through a few obstacles.


We ran through a few flooded areas, passed fire crews monitoring power lines on the sides of the course and over lots of broken tree branches before seeing our family at mile 7. In times like this it was SO nice seeing them cheer us on all bundled up & under umbrellas! We shed some of our clothing and continued our adventure. At mile 10 we saw some more of our family which gave us an extra boost of energy. Them supporting us in the crazy weather…now that’s love & I am so thankful for them and all of the other spectators as they made our run SO much more enjoyable. AJ & I made it to the half marathon point feeling pretty darn good, physically & emotionally even after running straight into the wind for the last 6 miles. It wasnt till’ mile 15 when my left calf started cramping up. I had to stop and stretch for a little bit and so did my husband as his hamstring and ankle started giving him problems. I started to worry because my last month of training runs were troublesome. I had been experiencing major knee pain (possibly IT band syndrome or runner’s knee) during the majority of my long runs and was unable to complete any training runs longer than 15 miles so when my calf started acting up I thought, great…this is the end…so I started holding back a little as far as intensity goes in hopes that my body would stay efficient long enough to get me to the end. My calf cramp came and went pretty quickly and I only experienced that pain one more time about a mile later. It was at mile 18 when AJ was really struggling with cramps when he told me to just keep going…so I did.

I felt like Forrest Gump because I really did keep going and going and never stopped to walk again until I was finished. In fact, my last 6 miles were some of my fastest. I did, however, have a drink at every station so I def. slowed down at those points. I just found it amazing that my body felt SO good…I couldn’t stop…I didn’t want to lose that feeling. It was so different for me than the previous year because I was in SO much pain, every step I took I thought how am I going to get to the end… This time I knew I could do it, my body was going to let me. I kept repeating these words “strong mind, strong body” all the way to the finish line. It was a beautiful thing really, finishing the race strong and pain free PLUS a little sunshine. I was definitely not expecting that but I PR’d and finished a whole 30 minutes faster than the previous year. AJ finished about 10 minutes after I did & his dad also had a great finishing time being his first marathon in a storm and all! This race will definitely be that much more memorable and definitely something to talk about…”hey remember that time we ran a marathon in almost hurricane conditions?”

In the end I am very happy that I didn’t let the weather get the best of me. I am looking forward to my next marathon even if it’s a year away but I’m also looking forward to cut back on some mileage and get back into crossfit again. Moral of the story: “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just soft people.” Don’t be soft…you are stronger and can do more than you think ALWAYS! I continue to prove that to myself when it has always been a huge struggle in my life. Don’t let anything get in your way of achieving something.

Thank you CIM directors, staff, volunteers, my family & friends, spectators and other runners for a great race and sticking out the weather. Together we made this race a success!


Favorite signs during the race:

  • “A marathon’s not easy, but your mom is.”
  • “Watching all of these runners is making me wet.”
  • “You’ve got stamina, call me.”
  • “Running 26.2 miles is easy, 26.3 would just be crazy.”
  • “You look great at mile 8.”
  • “Run like you stole something!”

What I ate during the race:

  • At mile 5.5 I used the porta potty and had a Chocolate GU
  • At mile 10 I had an orange slice
  • At mile 13.1 another GU but this time strawberry banana
  • At mile 15 I had 2 Clif shot bloks- margarita flavor targeted toward cramps
  • At mile 18 I had another orange slice and another Clif shot blok
  • At mile 20 I had my last 2 Clif shot bloks
  • At mile 23 I had an espresso GU
  • At every water station minus the last one I had powerade

TRX Suspension Training

Besides running, cycling & crossfit I also enjoy utilizing the TRX suspension trainer in my weekly routines, my bootcamp classes and with my clients. I enjoy it so much that I have my very own TRX training system in my living room! I know…my clients think I’m crazy…

The TRX is a suspension trainer that was originally developed by the US Navy Seals to train with when there was no equipment available. The meaning of the word TRX is Total Body Resistance Exercise. It is a wonderful, functional training tool that challenges all aspects of fitness including cardiovascular fitness, muscular endurance, muscle and joint strength, balance, flexibility, and last but not least, core strength. You can use this equipment for fat & weight loss, plyometrics, to build strength and tone up and even for stretching and yoga.

When I became a Certified TRX Suspension Pro about a year ago, I gained a whole new respect for the training system. I like the fact that it is convenient, versatile and that it can be used by anyone from a beginner fitness level to a very advanced level in a wide range of ways. Because it controlled by your own body, you control the intensity of each exercise. Once you mastered some of the basic movements you an easily progress them by kicking the moves and intensity up a notch!

  • Adding single leg/single arm motions (like a split squat or single leg lunge with a hop, or single arm/leg rows).
  • Adding jumping movements to your basic squat.
  • Adding other tools like a BOSU and doing pushups or planks.

My favorite benefit from the TRX is how your core is constantly engaged. The TRX throws your center of gravity off forcing you to activate your core muscles, stabilizing your body in a challenging and effective way!. When you are working against gravity, you need to apply tension to hold the TRX in place, keeping the straps tight. Whenever there is slack in the rope this is a sign that you’re not engaging something or performing the exercise correctly. You must make sure the proper muscles are being fired up while performing each exercise.

TRX Workout Circuit that you can do anytime, anywhere, as long as you have a TRX(Please make sure TRX is set up properly before beginning workout) Do each exercise for 30 seconds to 1 minute depending on fitness level. Minimize your rest between exercises, resting anywhere from  0-30 seconds depending on fitness level. After you complete circuit, rest for 1-3 minutes and then repeat 2-3 more times.

  1. TRX Squat with a high row (Regress by doing squat only)
  2. TRX Chest Press (Progress by adding alternating front lunge with a fly)
  3. TRX Lat. Pulldown with hips back and knees bent
  4. TRX Prone crunch with legs suspended (Progress by doing an atomic push-up…basically the prone crunch with a pushup)
  5. TRX Suspended Plank (Progress by adding leg adduction and abduction)
  6. TRX “Y” Raise (Regress by just doing a “T” raise Progress by adding “T”s with your “Y”s)
  7. TRX Bicep Curls
  8. TRX Tricep Press
  9. TRX Suspended Lunge


Coo Coo for Coconut Shrimp

One of my most favorite cheat meals are Red Lobster’s Coconut Shrimp. I allow myself to eat these deliciously sweet, fried goodies once a year; my husband’s birthday. Well, the other day I was baking some coconut protein bars and started to intensely crave the crunchy, sweet shrimp so badly that I decided to save some of my shredded coconut and concoct a healthy version of the shrimp for dinner that evening. The end result made both my husband’s and my tummy very happy!


Oven-Baked Coconut Shrimp


  • 20-30 Shrimp (depending on size…peeled & deveined) Leave tails
  • 1/3 Cup of corn starch or coconut flour
  • 1 tsp sea salt
  • 1/2 tsp Cayenne Pepper (ground red pepper)
  • 3 Egg Whites
  • 1 1/2 Cups of unsweetened flaked or shredded coconut (If you use sweetened coconut then omit the honey)
  • 1 tbs Honey or Agave Nectar


  • First Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  • In a shallow dish mix cornstarch with cayenne pepper and sea salt.
  • Place egg whites and honey in a medium dish and beat for about 2 minutes.
  • Place flaked coconut in a seperate shallow dish.
  • One shrimp at a time, dredge first in cornstarch mix, then dip in egg white mix and last but not least the shredded coconut.
  • Place shrimp on a foil lined baking sheet. Make sure baking sheet is generously coatedwith cooking spray.
  • After all of the shrimp is dredged lightly spray shrimp with cooking spray OR melt some Brummel & Brown Butter and brush shrimp with it before you place in the oven.
  • Bake 20 minutes, turning shrimp at 10 minutes.
  • Serve with a baked sweet potato and your favorite veggie. Enjoy!

Homemade Pineapple Greek Yogurt Dipping Sauce

  • 1 8oz container Greek Yogurt (plain or vanilla)
  • 1 8oz can crushed pineapple (or fresh and crushed)
  • 1/2 cup of honey or agave nectar
  • 1 tbsp shredded coconut
  • 1 tsp cornstarch (optional)
  • 1 tsp cinnamon

Mix everything together, well, and place in fridge. It might be better if you blended everything together in a blender or food processor.

NOTE: Keep in mind that I literally threw this dip together with what I had on hand. This made A LOT of dipping sauce so if you don’t want to have any left over then I suggest cutting the recipe in half. Taste it as you go to see if you’d like more honey or pineapple, etc.