101-Year-Old Marathon Runner Shines at Last Race

Daily Times – Leading News Resource of Pakistan – 101-year-old marathon runner shines at last race.


If you haven’t read about this inspiring 101-year-old runner yet, then do it now! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, fitness is the fountain of youth. It always amazes me when I see older, active people. They really are a diamond in the ruff. I know a few at one of the gyms I work at and they seriously kick butt! One is a woman over 70 years old, as fit as a fiddle with her belly button pierced and all. I’ve seen her doing 30lb walking renegades with a push-up super-set with sprints with her trainer. Her husband is so proud! The other a mature 74 or 5 year old gentleman who is also a Personal Trainer at the gym, and a damn good one at that. I think of Abe as “the Ghandi of fitness”. Really, you’d think so too if you met him. He is a strong, buff little man who even participated in an all-natural body building show a couple of years back. These two bring a big smile to my face every time I see them because I know that’s going to be me when I’m their age. They truly are my role models.

Childhood Obesity

After hearing of this issue on the news and also hearing people calling in about the topic I found myself getting slightly irritated by the excuses people come up with on why their kids are overweight. Not having enough money for healthier food or blaming their child’s obesity on genes are not options and is a sign of denial. Obesity is not genetic. It’s simple; if the parents eat unhealthy and are not active then the child will follow the parents lead, eat unhealthy foods and be lazy. If your parents are active and have healthy eating habits then the child will also be active and eat right. We are products of our environment. When a 12-year-old kid gets above 300 pounds it’s not genetic. These kids do not need to be taken away from their parents, they need some sort of in home family service or outside of  home instructional class that could be put into place to help the parents learn how to properly feed these poor kids!!!!

See article “Should Parents Lose Custody of their Extremely Obese Kids?” http://healthland.time.com/2011/07/13/should-parents-lose-custody-of-their-very-obese-kids/

I would love to hear your opinions on this issue!