Fit-a-holic’s September Specials!!

  • Register for September’s Boot camp classes by Monday, September 3rd and receive HALF OFF! Only $60 for two classes a week for the whole month of September. Classes are held every Tuesday & Thursday at 6pm @ Miller Park in Fair Oaks. Please let me know if you’d be interested in an early bird class. I’m looking at Tuesdays & Thursdays at 5:30 or 6am I just need enough people!
  • We are continuing our drop-in special as well! Drop in to one of my boot camp classes for only $10!
  • One-on-one Personal Training Special: $50 off of my 10 session package! That makes it a $450 investment towards your health and well-being!



SO much has happened over the past 5 months so I’ll give it to you in a nutshell:

  • I am now a certified TRX Suspension Training Expert. Yay!
  • Mine and AJ’s locked up bikes got stolen off of our patio. Not just 2 bikes…but 4. Two awesome vintage cruisers and two brand new hybrid bikes. This absolutely broke my heart – riding our bikes was an everyday thing for us and then boom, they’re gone! Oh, how I miss cruising the trails.
  • 2nd Warrior Dash with the family! Always fun!
  • AJ & I ran our first official full marathon in December. Yep, 26.2 miles bay-be! The California International Marathon to be exact. It was insane. Let’s just say I didn’t train properly the few months leading up to the race due to stupid overuse injuries.  I was in pain right away…in the first 6 miles…but I fought through. I wasn’t going to give up after training pretty much all year for this race. I finished under 5 hours and felt paralyzed that night and following day…but it was a great feeling nonetheless. I still got that runner’s high through all that pain and I can’t wait to complete my next marathon at the end of this year…injury free this time!
  • WEDDING PLANNING! As soon as November hit it was game on from there. Wedding planning is a pain in the booty if you ask me. As of today I’m happy to say that I have 90% of the planning done and over with thank you baby Jesus! 2 months and 1 week to go! OMG!! =)
  • AJ & I decided to get in-touch with our inner caveman and took up Robb Wolf’s PALEO diet for Lent. 40 days of no cheese, no bread, no sugar, no pasta, no dairy and the list goes on… but it’s not as bad as it seems. You get used to it, fortunetly.  This coming from a cheese-a-holic means a lot…I never thought I could go without my cheese.
  • This past weekend I ran my 6th half-marathon (not counting the full marathon from December). It was my 3rd Shamrockin’ half-marathon, held in downtown Sacramento. AJ and I experimented with our training this year…we basically cut our weekly mileage in half and replaced it with some major circuit training. Running had become a chore for me leading up to the full marathon…and I thought something had to change so I wouldn’t get anymore overuse injuries from running too much while trying to strength train and teach cycle classes. This training concept had actually worked out in our favor. My legs felt so fresh and strong come race day. I had the smoothest run all the way up to mile 10…that’s when I started to experience major tightness in my soleus (down by my ankle, on the inside part of the calf). In return it started to kill my knee making me have to stop every couple of minutes to get relief. Despite my pain I ended up finishing with a 1:49! My goal was to finish under 1:50! Woo Hoo! Not my best (last year I PRed with a 1:44) but considering a different training approach, new diet and the 3 last dreadful miles I can’t complain!! I also had a client/friend, Kate who ran the Shamrockin’ Half. It is her first half marathon. Not only has she lost over 100lbs, she has run 2 10ks, a 5k and now has conquered the almighty half marathon. Words can not express how proud I am!! Kate, you are such an inspiration and you seriously rock girl!!! ❤

“Most people never run far enough on their first wind to find out if they’ve got a second. Give your dreams all you’ve got and you’ll be amazed at the energy that comes out of you.” -William James, 1842-1910, Philosopher and Author