Fit-Foodie Finds #4


These bars are only one of the healthiest protein bars I’ve found thus far. They are not only delicious and nutritious, but they are low carb, high fiber, high protein, all natural and gluten free. They are especially good heated up in the microwave for about 8-10 seconds.


What??? Salsa with added nutritional value? I came across this salsa at Sprouts. I decided to give it a try do the simple fact that I love salsa, chia seeds and quinoa. Plus it’s organic!! I really enjoyed this salsa, I just wish it was hotter…a lot hotter.


This bag of trail mix is a little piece of heaven! I found it at my local 24 hour fitness, but I found it online as well at  It’s  perfect for snacking on or to take on the trails!

Fit-Foodie Finds #3


Obviously I’m a huge chia seed fan, and why wouldn’t I be? They are a nutritional powerhouse with virtually no flavor making them oh so versatile! I really can’t get enough of this superfood. Well, Last November the makers of Drink Chia! sent me a variety of their drinks and my hubby and I tested them out and what can I say? We LOVED them!! They come in four tasty flavors; honey-suckle pear, strawberry citrus, mango tangerine and lemon blueberry. My favorite was the mango tangerine, and my husbands the strawberry citrus. We drank this beverage before and after our runs, my cycle classes and our workouts and thought it was a great way to hydrate. As of right now you can find Drink Chia! online or at your local Whole Foods!

20130327-084817.jpgI’m always looking for Chia products or different ways to utilize the super-seed so when I found these yummy little 100 calorie bars at Sprout’s Market I got super excited! My favorite flavor so far is the coconut one as I love everything and anything coconut!






As a child my mother always had okra pickles in the house which sounds odd but they are incredibly delicious. So when I came across theses okra chips at Sprout’s Market I had to buy them. To my suprise they are actually pretty good, especially when dipped in hummus!







Who doesn’t love cookies? This cookie is pretty big and perfect when broken into 2 or 4 servings as it is kind of high in calories. But what cookie has 15 grams of protein and tastes just like a homemade, fresh out of the oven unhealthy cookie? This one!  I like to have a piece whenever I’m having that cookie craving or after a workout. You can find this cookie online although they do sell them at 24 Hour Fitness.


20130327-085006.jpgHurray for 100% Whole Wheat Flatout Flatbread! Flatbreads are SO versatile…I’ve done so much with mine. From sandwiches, to breakfast wraps to healthy pizzas and desserts. At only 100 calories per wrap you can’t go wrong! You can find these at most grocery stores. Costco has them in bulk for a great price!







I first tried Zico’s chocolate coconut water back in October at the Nike Women’s Marathon in San Francisco and loved it. I’m still more likely to drink the natural flavor but the chocolate version is hubby approved! For the best price go to Costco!

Ch ch ch Chia Seeds

Over the past few months I have become a Chia addict. Yes, I’m talking about the same seeds they use for the Chia Pet! I put these small seeds in yogurt, oatmeal, sprinkle on salads and in soups, drinking water, smoothies, shakes, etc.

Chia is a plant which, like flax-seed, contains a great deal of healthy omega-3 fatty acids  (5 grams in 2 tablespoons). This is a good thing. Omega-3s are known to reduce inflammation and help the body fight off some of the effects of aging. Unlike flax seeds, you don’t have to crush chia seeds in order for your body to use it and chia seeds do not spoil quickly, making it more convenient than flax-seed. There’s just so much nutrition in such a tiny package… I can’t get enough. They are also a natural energizer!

In the book Born to Run, McDougall talks about how the Tarahumara tribe (“the running people”) would put the chia seeds in water and they would create a gel for drinking. This is because chia seeds are hydrophilic meaning they hold around 10 times their weight in water(that’s why they turn into little gel balls). For athletes, this is a good thing, helping hydration during exercise. This also happens in your stomach (even if you eat the seeds raw) and some believe that the gel coats the stomach and restricts the absorption of calories, making chia a possible diet aid. I always drink a liter of “chia water” a couple of hours before my long runs to stay extra hydrated.

Besides Omega-3’s and great hydration benefits, two tablespoons of Chia seeds also have a respectable amount of fiber (7 grams), protein (4 grams) calcium (205 milligrams) and antioxidants.

Here’s a recipe for Chia Fresca that I found after reading the book, Born to Run:

  • about 10 oz of water
  • 1 Tbsp dry chia seeds
  • a few teaspoons lemon or lime juice
  • honey or agave nectar, to taste (optional)
Stir the chia seeds into the water; let them sit for about five minutes.  Stir again, and let sit for as long as you like.  The more it sits, the more gel-like the seeds and water become.  Add the lemon or lime juice and sweetener to taste. Enjoy your all natural energy boost!