Mantras and Affirmations for the Fit-a-Holic

Runners, athletes, fitness enthusiasts, people who have specific goals (weight loss, etc.) all can use mantras or positive affirmations to bring about a result they wish to achieve. For me I find myself using mantras or affirmations the most while running. I need them to help me overcome performance anxiety and to have a great run while going the distance. Whatever your goals are, affirmations can help you achieve them. Think strong, deep words. Some of my favorites include:

  • “Pain is nothing compared to what it feels like to quit.”
  • “Fight it.”
  • “Keep Pushing.”
  • “Who do you want to be?”
  • “I am strong.”
  • “I can do anything through Christ who strengthens me.”
  • “Can’t stop, won’t stop.”
  • “Just do it.”
  • “You have the rest of the day to relax when you’re done.”

What are your favorite mantras or positive affirmations?

At the end of the day, just remember to be happy with where you are and what you’ve accomplished. =)