A Letter to My Clients, Bootcampers & Cyclists

Ch-Ch-Ch-ch-changes…(que David Bowie)…

There has been SO many changes this year, most of them being in the last month or so and I’m having to learn how to make some major adjustments. My husband’s work schedule is completely different, random and unpredictable, we are moving to a new town 3 hours away from our current home, I have to start looking for a new job and/or clients, my belly is growing larger every day, I haven’t been able to workout as much as I’d like, and the hardest adjustment of them all is having to say goodbye to some awesome people. I’m not looking for a pitty party, it’s just a lot to swallow all at once. Despite all of these changes I am anxious and excited for this new adventure. I can’t wait to get settled into our new home and it feels great knowing that our family will now be so close to us.


Last week I said my final goodbyes to my cycle classes, bootcampers, clients, and my hubby’s clients. I am not great with good byes and am able to express my thoughts much better through writing so considering the circumstances I thought this was the most appropriate way to express my gratitude to each and every one of you.

A letter to my past & present clients, bootcampers and cyclists,


In the past 5 years I have trained 100’s of people of all shapes, sizes, ages, strengths and disabilities. I have trained 1 on 1, group, indoor, outdoor, and in-home. The hours were long and sometimes random, the pay was never consistent, however, I have enjoyed each and every minute of my time spent with every person. Because of you, I love what I do and don’t consider it work.


I want to thank you for everything you have given me. You have been my source of strength and inspiration, not just my income. Being a part of many of your transformations has given me more joy than I could have ever hoped to give you. On days where I felt worn down you always gave me the energy to pick myself back up. We have had serious conversations, joked around, and shared many stories.


Some of you have become dear friends and some of you I’m just happy we had a chance to meet. You have taught me more than I could ever dream of teaching you. You have provided me a sounding board to bounce all of my crazy ideas off of. You always listened and helped me make sense of whatever I was plotting up next. You helped me leave the gym and venture out on my own, creating my own business. It was my job to support and guide you, yet you were the ones who convinced me to do my own thing.


You were the ones who congratulated and gave me your best wishes when I got married. You were the ones who told me I’d be an awesome mother when I found out I was expecting. You were the ones who spread the word of Fitaholic Training, You were the ones who have been with me through each milestone.

These past 5 years in the fitness industry here in the Sacramento area have been incredible and I owe it all to you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey,

Danyale Cox, CPT, CES


I can’t even begin to tell you how inspirational this girl is. She attacks each day with consistency, effort, diligence and dedication. She is an amazing example of strength and perseverance and I am so proud to have had her as a client and friend. Because of her perseverance and indomitable will, she lost well over 100lbs. I know she will continue to kick ass and spread the word of health and fitness to those around her!



Monday Motivation

It’s another new day and another new month. If you haven’t started on working towards your fitness goals then start now. What’s stopping you? If you’re already on that journey then keep that ball rolling. You will never regret reaching your goal. You will only regret not starting or giving up and not trying harder. Now get up and go get sore!


Monday Motivation

20130325-095411.jpgI choose to be strong. What do you choose?

I hardly got any sleep last night due to allergies (stuffy nose…couldn’t breathe) but I still got up at 4:30am this morning to teach my spin class.

Do I regret it? Absolutely not.

I could have used my allergies as an excuse, I could have used my little sleep as an excuse, I could have used my pregnancy as an excuse…but instead of struggling like I thought for a second or 2,  I chose to be STRONG. Push your struggles aside (no matter how big or small they may be) and choose to be STRONG. You will not regret it.

Happy Monday, friends! =)

xoxo danyale

Cycle for a Cure


Hi friends & followers! One of the members at one of the gyms I teach at is putting on a charity ride! Please read the following letter she wrote and join me and others for this historic event for a great cause! You can find sponsors to help you raise $100 to reserve a bike! I will be teaching sometime in the late afternoon/evening on Saturday, April 6th. I’ll keep you updated on the exact time. Please spread the word!

Thank you in advance,

Danyale Cox


Dear Friends and Colleagues,

I am writing because I have joined a small group of adults and students competing head to head to raise money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society (LLS), through the Man and Woman of the Year campaign. Last year this program raised over $360,000 here in the Greater Sacramento Area and nationwide over $19 million, this year we expect to beat that achievement. For the next ten weeks I am going to be RELENTLESS about raising money for this fantastic organization, and will spend less time at the gym and less time sitting on the couch!!
Like many of you, I have been touched by Leukemia or another blood cancer. Just a few years ago my cousin Diego lost his life to Leukemia, leaving his wife and two children behind. I also have friends who have struggled against blood cancers. This year I have had the pleasure of knowing one little boy that I am dedicating my campaign to, his name is Omar Ali and he is the Boy of the Year. Each time I see this little boy at LLS meetings, he moves me with his humor, energy and positive attitude. His BIO follows this letter. I was touched the most by the story of Trevor Kott. Trevor was born on October 14, 2006, Bob and Angela Kott celebrated the arrival of their son, Trevor. On October 15, 2006, the day after he was born, little Trevor was diagnosed with congenital acute myeloid leukemia (AML). Although he was initially sent home with no hope, Trevor and his family have bravely endured three rounds of chemotherapy – and while Trevor was clinically in remission after the first round, he experienced a relapse – a return of the cancer – confirmed by a bone marrow test on March 5, 2007. Given this relapse, Trevor’s only hope for a medical cure is a bone marrow transplant. When I moved to California and started to work at the ISO in February of 2007, I heard this little boy’s story through my coworkers. Even though his father also worked at the ISO, we had not yet met since he was on leave trying to find a donor and save his son’s life. I remember feeling so helpless when no donor was found and Trevor lost his battle with Leukemia. I also felt so lucky to have two healthy children.

If you support me, your money and your effort will enable LLS to:
• Help patients and their families make their best decisions. LLS informs and counsels patients through their cancer journey and helps them access current treatment and clinical trial options.
• Provide financial aid and co-pay assistance. A cancer diagnosis is hard enough without having to deal with its financial burden. We provide programs to help relieve the economic strain of a blood cancer diagnosis. Last year along LLS provided $43.5 million in reimbursement for out of pocket expenses of patients. LLS also works closely at the state level to improve the insurance options for cancer patients.
• Offer community services. LLS connects newly diagnosed patients with trained volunteers who help to cope with the diagnosis and the next steps in their journey, as well as helping young cancer patients return to school after an absence resulting from treatment.
This organization also works closely with the medical community to:
• Encourage scientists to pursue blood cancer research. Grants to young scientists help grow research talent even as federal research funding becomes increasingly limited.
• Develop “targeted therapies” that kill cancer cells selectively. By hitting specific molecular targets, these treatments avoid patients’ healthy cells, resulting in fewer dangerous side effects.
• Test immunotherapies. Immunotherapies strengthen a patient’s own immune system so it can better fight infections and attack cancer cells, reducing the need for damaging chemotherapy.
• Improve the safety of today’s cures. LLS funds research to predict, manage and prevent complications in patients most at risk for long-term and late effects of treatment.
As a result of LLS efforts, the likelihood of surviving the most common childhood leukemia has improved drastically. In 1964, the survival rate was 3%. Today it’s 90%.
Please take a few moments to watch this video: http://focusforwardfilms.com/films/72/fire-with-fire
The money raised by my campaign will go directly to these services.
This is the bottom line. I need a commitment from each of you. Yes, I do need to raise money. But I also need event volunteers. I need sponsors. I need corporate contributors, drawing prizes, auction items, and fundraising ideas. I also need people to run small fundraising projects in their community or organization. Imagine if each of you forwarded this letter to 5 of your friends and each contributed $5. Will you help?
You can make a contribution or become a sponsor by visiting my web page: http://www.mwoy.org/pages/sac/sac13/LourdesEstradaSalinero
Thank you for your support of this very worthy cause.

Lourdes Estrada Salinero

Make Yourself


The truth is, you can make yourself ANYTHING and have fun doing it. It’s up to you to make it happen. You’re in charge. Make it happen.

Tips On Achieving Your New Year Resolution

A resolution without action is like a race without a course-pointless.

What are your goals for 2013? Is it finally time to lose the last 10lbs? Are you ready to earn a faster PR (like me)? Determined to avoid injury? No matter what you resolve to do this year, the key is to map out a plan and stick to it. Here are some great tips on achieving those goals & squashing the excuses for good.

Resolution: Getting rid of the “gut”- You’re probably regretting those extra, empty calories you had during the holidays, aren’t you? Help get rid of that spare tire with interval training, or high-intensity cardio mixed with low-intensity cardio. “Studies have consistently shown that interval training is superior for fat burning, as opposed to steady-state cardio,” says Brad Schoenfeld, CSCS, author of Women’s Home Workout Bible. 3-5, 30 -60 minute sessions a week is generally needed to see excellent results.

Resolution: Eat Better- If you don’t make time for breakfast, you’ll pay for it by dinner. If you skip breakfast, by the end of the day you won’t want carrots, you’ll want carrot cake. Like I’ve said before, Always start your day off with a hearty, healthy breakfast and a hearty lunch. This will give you the energy you need to kick-start your day. You will also be less hungry at nighttime and can make better choices. You want to stop eating a few hours before your bed time.

Resolution: Toughen Up- We all go into the New Year swearing we’re going to get up earlier for our workouts, push ourselves harder during training sessions or workouts and refuse to slow down during a race. But the truth is these require us to strengthen an often neglected body part- our minds. You should focus on the good things that will happen if you stick with your goals. Understand what motivates you. Push yourself toward success and opportunity as opposed to the avoidance of failure. Just do it.

Resolution: Staying Injury Free- Nothing ruins a good race season like an injury does…believe me, I know firsthand. To avoid one, don’t be a sporadic runner. “There is no better predictor for injury than the inconsistent athlete,” says Dr. Philip Spencer, a chiropractor with a focus on sports medicine. Any extended time away from a discipline requires a period of easy rebuilding to re-acclimate the tissues to the stresses unique to the sport. Pay attention to your body’s warning signals and focus on core strength. Never forget to stretch.

Get started already! No more procrastinating. “The most important and hardest part of accomplishing any task is to be present; you can’t finish what you don’t start.”-Orlando James, Strength and Conditioning Coach

Here’s to a healthy & happy new year, everyone!

Motivational Monday- Senior Fit Stars

Check this lady out. None of us have a choice about aging, but we do have options when it comes to being healthy as we age and this gorgeous woman is taking action!

She is 75 years old and she is deadlifting!! What a rock star! I found this picture on the Crossfit Facebook webpage this morning and was instantly inspired. Her age doesn’t stop her and your age shouldn’t stop you! She reminds me of the 73-year-old trainer that I work with. I like to call him the Gandhi of fitness. He’s so wise, fit and knowledgable I can’t help but point him out to all of my older clients and show them that it is possible to be older, leaner, healthier & happier!

As you grow older, leading an active, healthy lifestyle is more important than ever. Regular exercise helps you maintain health, adds to your well-being & quality of life, boosts energy, and improves confidence.

Let’s face it, as you age your body not only ages – it also changes. After age 30, you lose 6 lbs of muscle every decade. You would have 6 lbs less of muscle and 6 lbs more of fat. A pound of fat is many times larger in volume than a pound of muscle. A pound of muscle also naturally burns 30-50 calories per day, whereas a pound of fat only burns 3 calories.

The good news is—no matter your age, your health, or your fitness level—you can benefit from moving more. Whether you are generally healthy or are managing an illness, there are big and small ways to get more active and boost your fitness level.


  • Aqua Aerobics
  • Circuit Training
  • Bike riding
  • Walking/jogging/running
  • Step Aerobics
  • Weight Training
  • Yoga/Pilates
  • Crossfit

Have aches and pains? Visit with a personal trainer to see how he/she can develop an effective, injury free program just for you based on your disabilities and needs!

Remember, if you don’t use it, you lose it!

Monday Motivation- What We Think We Become

Hi everyone! I hope your Monday’s going well.  Anyway, you know those days when you promise yourself that you are going to have a kick-ass workout but end up neglecting to do so all together? Well, I had one of those days last week which is uncommon. I just found that I had a complete lack of motivation.

Our lack of motivation comes from our own thoughts more than anything else. We tend to come up with reasons in our own mind for why it is okay to keep putting off getting in shape for at least another day.

If you find yourself lacking motivation quit frequently then I suggest taking action. Rethink fitness and make sure that your thoughts only consist of what you want to have happen!  This is going to take some time and effort to make it a habit, but by doing this, it will change everything. Having control of your thoughts will become natural in only a matter of time, thus leaving you more motivated than ever!

Thoughts lead to feelings, which lead to actions, which lead to results!

Kick Start Your Fitness Motivation Today!

“What we think, we become.” Buddha