My Workouts: Crossfit WOD 13.1

20130312-094501.jpgLast week my husband and I did the highly talked about 2013 Crossfit opener WOD (workout of the day), “13.1”. No… it has nothing to do with a half marathon, however, we are running one this weekend! Anyway, athletes perform the workout and then submit their scores.

Here’s the workout:

Complete as many reps as possible in 17 minutes (consecutive circuit):

  • 40 Burpees
  • 30 Snatches (using a barbell) Women: 35lbs Men: 45lbs
  • 30 Burpees
  • 30 Snatches Women: 55lbs Men: 75lbs
  • 20 Burpees
  • 30 Snatches Women: 75lbs Men: 100lbs
  • 10 burpees
  • Snatches, as many reps as possible. Women: 90lbs Men: 120lbs

20130312-094517.jpgNow some of you may be thinking, “wait, aren’t you pregnant?” Yes, I am pregnant but I am still able and willing to do this type of workout. At 15 weeks and 6 days pregnant, I scaled down my weight. I used a 35lb and 45lb barbell the entire time. I also listened to my body and made sure that I didn’t overheat or become “breathless”. If you are pregnant and have already participated in crossfit workouts prior to being prego and want to do this workout, just be careful. There are always modifications you can make, for instance: Using dumbbells or a bench for your burpees so you have more room for the belly. Also keeping your legs wider as you go down into the burpee may be a more comfortable choice as well. For your snatches, if you are far a long into your pregnancy, start below your knees instead of the floor.

Check out for more info!

If You are a man or woman who is obviously not pregnant and want to do this workout just know that you do not have to do the recommended weight as stated above. You know what you are capable of, so you should also be scaling your weight. It’s all about having fun while working out, not injuring yourself trying to do things you know you can’t. Having proper form and listening to your body will help you progress.

For more info. about this workout, like technique and form, check out the Crossfit Games website.