A Letter to My Clients, Bootcampers & Cyclists

Ch-Ch-Ch-ch-changes…(que David Bowie)…

There has been SO many changes this year, most of them being in the last month or so and I’m having to learn how to make some major adjustments. My husband’s work schedule is completely different, random and unpredictable, we are moving to a new town 3 hours away from our current home, I have to start looking for a new job and/or clients, my belly is growing larger every day, I haven’t been able to workout as much as I’d like, and the hardest adjustment of them all is having to say goodbye to some awesome people. I’m not looking for a pitty party, it’s just a lot to swallow all at once. Despite all of these changes I am anxious and excited for this new adventure. I can’t wait to get settled into our new home and it feels great knowing that our family will now be so close to us.


Last week I said my final goodbyes to my cycle classes, bootcampers, clients, and my hubby’s clients. I am not great with good byes and am able to express my thoughts much better through writing so considering the circumstances I thought this was the most appropriate way to express my gratitude to each and every one of you.

A letter to my past & present clients, bootcampers and cyclists,


In the past 5 years I have trained 100’s of people of all shapes, sizes, ages, strengths and disabilities. I have trained 1 on 1, group, indoor, outdoor, and in-home. The hours were long and sometimes random, the pay was never consistent, however, I have enjoyed each and every minute of my time spent with every person. Because of you, I love what I do and don’t consider it work.


I want to thank you for everything you have given me. You have been my source of strength and inspiration, not just my income. Being a part of many of your transformations has given me more joy than I could have ever hoped to give you. On days where I felt worn down you always gave me the energy to pick myself back up. We have had serious conversations, joked around, and shared many stories.


Some of you have become dear friends and some of you I’m just happy we had a chance to meet. You have taught me more than I could ever dream of teaching you. You have provided me a sounding board to bounce all of my crazy ideas off of. You always listened and helped me make sense of whatever I was plotting up next. You helped me leave the gym and venture out on my own, creating my own business. It was my job to support and guide you, yet you were the ones who convinced me to do my own thing.


You were the ones who congratulated and gave me your best wishes when I got married. You were the ones who told me I’d be an awesome mother when I found out I was expecting. You were the ones who spread the word of Fitaholic Training, You were the ones who have been with me through each milestone.

These past 5 years in the fitness industry here in the Sacramento area have been incredible and I owe it all to you. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your journey,

Danyale Cox, CPT, CES


I can’t even begin to tell you how inspirational this girl is. She attacks each day with consistency, effort, diligence and dedication. She is an amazing example of strength and perseverance and I am so proud to have had her as a client and friend. Because of her perseverance and indomitable will, she lost well over 100lbs. I know she will continue to kick ass and spread the word of health and fitness to those around her!



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