101-Year-Old Marathon Runner Shines at Last Race

Daily Times – Leading News Resource of Pakistan – 101-year-old marathon runner shines at last race.


If you haven’t read about this inspiring 101-year-old runner yet, then do it now! I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again, fitness is the fountain of youth. It always amazes me when I see older, active people. They really are a diamond in the ruff. I know a few at one of the gyms I work at and they seriously kick butt! One is a woman over 70 years old, as fit as a fiddle with her belly button pierced and all. I’ve seen her doing 30lb walking renegades with a push-up super-set with sprints with her trainer. Her husband is so proud! The other a mature 74 or 5 year old gentleman who is also a Personal Trainer at the gym, and a damn good one at that. I think of Abe as “the Ghandi of fitness”. Really, you’d think so too if you met him. He is a strong, buff little man who even participated in an all-natural body building show a couple of years back. These two bring a big smile to my face every time I see them because I know that’s going to be me when I’m their age. They truly are my role models.

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